
Welcome to HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Digital Platform

Sign up and Log In – FOR FREE – to gain access to pre- and post-event content, entrepreneur resources, and the ability to tune-in to LIVE Streamed sessions and LIVE Webinars.

Join us at our next upcoming HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Conference which will be hosted at the prestigious Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, November 05 - 07, 2023.

For those of you who are planning to attend in-person, please Register via the Event or Upcoming Events pages.


Help Launch the Next Big Ideas!

We believe in the power of interdisciplinary innovation and entrepreneurship.

Through our Pitch Competitions, we provide a unique platform for innovators and entrepreneurs to showcase their creativity and vision.

Will you join us in recognizing and rewarding the Top-3 Pitch Competition Winners in each Track with Non-Equity Award Prizes?

Every dollar you give will direclty impact this next generation of entrepreneurs, helping them launch and grow their businesses.

Remove Barriers and Fuel Dreams

Help out-of-state finalists get one step closer to live their dreams by supporting their journey to participate in LIVE pitch competitions at HBCUs across the country.

Your donation will cover essential costs like Travel, Lodging, and Meals, giving them the opportunity to showcase their talent and build critical connections with investors, mentors, and peers.

By supporting these emerging entrepreneurs, you are helping to fuel their future success and fostering a more inclusive innovation ecosystem. Together, we can make their dreams come true.

Stimulate Entrepreneurial Minds

Together, we have the power to shape the future by supporting the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.

Your donation will enable more HBCU students and recent graduates to attend HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week in-person for FREE – an invaluable opportunity to connect with mentors, build their networks, and gain the tools to launch their ventures.

Be a part of creating lasting impact by helping them take their next steps toward success!