
Welcome to HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Digital Platform

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Join us at our next upcoming HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Conference which will be hosted at the prestigious Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, November 05 - 07, 2023.

For those of you who are planning to attend in-person, please Register via the Event or Upcoming Events pages.


2024 Rising Stars Pitch Competition

Congratulations to all Finalists of the Rising Stars Pitch Competition who presented LIVE in front of a panel of judges and audience at Xavier University of Louisiana on Sunday, March 10, 2024.

In addition to competing for Awards, we introduced a new Crowdfunding solution by Crowd9 Agency which provided additional opportunities for all finalists to raise funds for their businesses.

Here are the results after our esteemed panel of HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Pitch Judges deliberations.


1st Place $2,500
Jamiri Flint

2nd Place $1,500
Jaivien Kendricks

3rd Place. $1,000
Shamya Jones

1st Place $2,500
Janine Clarke

2nd Place $1,500
Jace Watkins

3rd Place. $1,000
Tasia Clark


2024 Spring Conference

The 4th Edition of HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week was hosted by the XULA Entrepreneurship Institute at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, Louisiana.

As the start-date coincided with International Women’s Day, we opened our conference with a Multi-City Women Entrepreneur’s Brunch. This portion of our event featured an amazing line-up of women presenters LIVE Streamed from our host conference venue.

Keynote Speakers included:

  • TeeJ Mercer / +25 Years Hollywood Executive, Philanthropist and Founder of Move-In-Day Mafia – a volunteer-driven initiative providing dorm room makeovers and ongoing assistance to freshmen at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) who’ve aged out of foster care, face homelessness, or struggle with financial hardships.
  • Simone Spence / visionary and founder of Capital Navigator 
    Simone is a powerhouse entrepreneur and investment strategist with a proven track record of transforming early-stage startups into investment-ready powerhouses.

    She has guided around 100 founders through the critical stages of securing early capital, helping them navigate the complex landscape of angel and private funding. 

2023 InnovateXpress Pitch Competition

Finalists of the InnovateXpress Pitch Competition presented LIVE in front of a panel of judges and audience at Hampton University on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

Congratulations to everyone who participated. Here are the results after our esteemed panel of HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Pitch Judges deliberations.



1st Place $2,500
Emmanuel Umoh

2nd Place $1,500
Tasia Clark

3rd Place. $1,000
Janae Walker

1st Place $2,500
Angie Boyd
Syncerely Beautiful

2nd Place $1,500
Stephanie Mckenzie
The Babe Cave Healing Boutique

3rd Place. $1,000
Ta’Mia Morrissette
Make Me Feel Good Mobile Spa for HBCU’s


2023 Fall Conference

The 3rd Edition of HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week was hosted by the Virginia Workforce Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (VWIEC) at Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. Event Theme / Entrepreneurship: Reimagine The Workforce

This conference included a Business Expo featuring VWIEC Participants and entrepreneur support organizations, as well as highly acclaimed Sneaker Ball.

2023 Spring Conference

HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week was on March 27-29, 2023 hosted at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi.

Conference Theme: Advancing Racial Equity in Government Procurement


2022 Fall Conference

The inaugural HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week was launched at Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama.

Conference Theme: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Wayfinding

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