
Welcome to HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Digital Platform

Sign up and Log In – FOR FREE – to gain access to pre- and post-event content, entrepreneur resources, and the ability to tune-in to LIVE Streamed sessions and LIVE Webinars.

Join us at our next upcoming HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Conference which will be hosted at the prestigious Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, November 05 - 07, 2023.

For those of you who are planning to attend in-person, please Register via the Event or Upcoming Events pages.


Entrepreneurship For Everyone™ is the 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Public Charity that champions the production, delivery, and continuity of HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week.  goEFE.org

eWiz Call for Presentations platform enhances the event experience for event organizers, event committees, presenters, and participants.  ewiz.io

Harness provides the Pitch Contest platform which streamlines the process of managing applications, contestants, rubrics, and judging.  joinharness.com

ITmaskinen has earned the reputation as the “Go-To Team” for customization of Live Onsite, Hybrid and Virtual Event Technology solutions.  itmaskinen.se