
Welcome to HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Digital Platform

Sign up and Log In – FOR FREE – to gain access to pre- and post-event content, entrepreneur resources, and the ability to tune-in to LIVE Streamed sessions and LIVE Webinars.

Join us at our next upcoming HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Conference which will be hosted at the prestigious Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, November 05 - 07, 2023.

For those of you who are planning to attend in-person, please Register via the Event or Upcoming Events pages.


Rising Stars: HBCU Entrepreneurship Summit

Xavier University of Louisiana 1 Drexel Drive, New Orleans

SHOWING UP IS THE FIRST STEP IN SUCCESS! Join us for "Rising Stars: HBCU Entrepreneurship Summit" at Xavier University of Louisiana on March 08 - 10, 2024. This event is […]

Free – $150.00