
Welcome to HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Digital Platform

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Join us at our next upcoming HBCU Entrepreneur’s Week Conference which will be hosted at the prestigious Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, November 05 - 07, 2023.

For those of you who are planning to attend in-person, please Register via the Event or Upcoming Events pages.

Building Your Personal Advisory Board

Navigating your professional journey can be lonely, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. Imagine having a board, just like companies have, but dedicated to helping YOU succeed as an individual. […]


AWIEF 2024 Conference & Awards

Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) 1 Lower Long Street, Cape Town, South Africa

Join us at Africa's premier entrepreneurship event! AWIEF is convening key players in the African entrepreneurial ecosystem to engage in impactful dialogue around the theme Future For All: Collaborate For Growth. […]

WE Brunch 2025

We look forward to seeing you at our 2nd annual Women Entrepreneur's Brunch WE Brunch is a multi-city celebration of women, hosted on International Women’s Day, March 08, 2025. This […]